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Visionary Rebirth on the Nile: How a Sacred Journey, Debilitating Pain, and the Blue Lotus Birthed My Mission

Writer's picture: Iman KamelIman Kamel

Photo of a woman on a visionary pilgrimage in Egypt, standing in a field near the Nile. Keywords: visionary, Egypt, rebirth
Egypt called, and my soul answered. This was the beginning – of a journey, of a rebirth. Ready to transform? #Visionary #Egypt #Rebirth

A year ago, a single photograph transported me back to a lush green field on the banks of the Nile River. I stood among a circle of women, strangers who'd become soul sisters, on the first day of a transformative pilgrimage through the ancient temples of Egypt. A sense of homecoming thrummed in my veins.

That day, an oracle card slipped into my hand – a sarcophagus, cracked yet bursting with radiant light. It felt like an uncanny prophecy. The journey that followed would become a descent into darkness and a testament to the power of visionary rebirth.

We travelled by dahabiya, its sails billowing as we drifted up the Nile. Golden temples shimmered in the desert heat, each stone vibrating with stories of gods and goddesses, of death and eternal life. I drank it all in, unaware that a different type of transformation was brewing within me.

Then came the fire. A searing pain ignited in my face, a relentless assault on my nervous system. The trigeminal nerve – the ancient Egyptians would have understood its significance and perhaps offered the mystical balm of the blue lotus. Back home, the pain deepened, casting a shadow over my life. This was my 'Coming forth by day' – a harrowing journey through the underworld.

But even in the darkest hours, a stubborn spark flickered. With the unwavering support of my sisters, I held onto my vision, the one brewing long before Egypt, long before the pain took hold. This vision encompasses a potent framework that supports transformation, aligning with a deeper purpose and unleashing the boundless creativity within us all. It mirrors the five phases of visionary rebirth I experienced: the dark earth, the reach towards the light, the glorious ascent, the radiant bloom, and the sacred seeding.

Today, I'm channelling this fire and my rebirth experience into my work as a mentor for visionary entrepreneurs. My 1:1 Visionary Program is for those yearning to break free from misalignment and step into their sovereign power...those who ache to amplify their message, attract aligned opportunities, and create a business that sets their soul alight. This is about embodying a new kind of leadership.

"If you are one of the fortunate souls to cross paths with the loving healer Iman, then this is a sign to book a session with her. My experience brought deep soul healing that traditional therapy would have taken many sessions, if even possible, to achieve at all. She holds a safe container, guiding you to go deep into this sacred work. It is an honour to work with her and a profoundly transformational experience." Rachel Francis Founder of Rising Love

The women I work with experience a profound shift – from a whisper of longing to a roar of embodied purpose. Their creativity becomes a wellspring, their vision magnetic, their potential limitless.

Perhaps my story resonates with yours. Perhaps you, too, sense a potent transformation waiting to unfold. If so, I invite you to visit my website [insert link] to learn more about my Visionary Program and explore how I can be a catalyst for your own rebirth.



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